Demonstrations for Download

These are demonstration versions of some applications that I have written for 4Mation and which are currently distributed by them. It is not their official site, but this is.

All of the software and other resources here are copyright © 4Mation Educational Resources. They may be downloaded and used by anyone, for the purposes of evaluation only.

System Requirements

[SA compatible] All of the software here will run on any Acorn computer with RiscOS 3·0 or higher, and is fully StrongARM compatible. RiscOS 2 is not supported: if you are still using this then both Acorn and I strongly recommend that you upgrade to at least RiscOS 3·10.

All of the files here are in archive (SparkFS) format - don't be confused by the ".bin" extension, this is just to ensure that the Web server sends them with the correct data type. If you need information on how to download the files or what to do after that, click here.


Click on one of these links for further information on the package, or to download a demonstration version.

Vector - Advanced vector graphics [Updated]

Grid Pro - Versatile grid and pattern generator

Ordering Information

For further information, to request a full catalogue, or to order the working versions of any of these products, contact 4Mation at:
4Mation Educational Resources
14 Castle Park Road
Whiddon Valley
EX32 8PA

Phone:   01271 25353
Fax:     01271 22974


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Last modified: Sat Dec 13 12:45:00 GMT 2008