This licence no longer applies to the GPL release.



Licence File for Open Source Release

This is part of the initial open source software release of Vector, GridPro, DrawPlus and their associated libraries and utilities. All these files are copyright either by myself (Jonathan Marten) as original author, or by others as identified within the source files.

The release is initially provided under this temporary restrictive licence. Assuming that there are no objections or other complications, the sources will shortly be re-released under the GNU General Public Licence which will permit unlimited distribution, modification and use for any purpose. But, for the moment, the licence terms are as follows:

  1. The source archive files may be downloaded by anyone from the distribution page at These files and their contents are provided for the personal use of the person downloading them only, and may not be copied or distributed to others by any means, whether via the Internet or otherwise. Patch files, source differences, and extracts from the code may be passed between individuals for the purpose of collaboration or discussion.

  2. The source code may be modified and compiled on any RiscOS system, or anything else which can produce executables and applications for it. As with the source files, any applications or other files produced from the sources may not be copied or distributed to others by any means, whether via the Internet or otherwise.

  3. It may turn out that certain files or parts of them are copyright by or the property of third parties. Should this turn out to be the case, and upon their request, you should stop using those files and destroy any existing copies.
No other use or distribution of the files is permitted. Have patience, and hope that there are no objections...

Jonathan Marten
11th April 2005